— compute FRED-like light curves of LMXB
Table of contents
- Overview
- Installation
- Usage
- Physical Background
- Accretion disk wind
- Development guide
- Questions and comments
- License
- BibTex
The code solves 1-D evolution equation of Shakura-Sunyaev accretion disk. The code is developed to simulate fast-rise exponential-decay (FRED) light curves of low mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs) for the paper “Determination of the turbulent parameter in the accretion disks: effects of self-irradiation in 4U 1543-47 during the 2002 outburst” by Lipunova & Malanchev (2017) 2017MNRAS.468.4735L.
is written on C++ and available as a couple of binary executables and
a Python module.
Note that the original Freddi
version 1 introduced in Lipunova & Malanchev (2017)
2017MNRAS.468.4735L is still
available in the v1
git branch.
is represented by two binary executables: the black hole version
and the neutron star version freddi-ns
If you are familiar with Docker then you can use pre-compiled binaries inside Docker container:
docker run -v "`pwd`":/data --rm -ti freddi -d/data
docker run -v "`pwd`":/data --rm -ti freddi-ns --Bx=1e8 -d/data
Build from source
has following build dependencies:
- Boost 1.57+
- CMake with a back-end build system like Make or Ninja
- C++ compiler with C++17 support, e.g.
version 8+ orclang
Get requirements on Debian based systems (e.g. Ubuntu):
apt-get install g++ cmake libboost-all-dev
On Red-Hat based systems (e.g. Fedora):
dnf install gcc-c++ cmake boost-devel
On macOS via Homebrew:
brew install cmake boost
Get Freddi
source code and compile it:
git clone
cd freddi
mkdir cmake-build
cd cmake-build
cmake --build .
to link against static Boost libraries
Now you should have both freddi
and freddi-ns
executables in the build
directory. You can install these binaries and the default configuration
file freddi.ini
by running
cmake --install . --prefix=PREFIX # replace with preferable location
is known to be built on Linux and macOS.
Python 2 isn’t supported, use Python 3 instead.
pre-compiled x86-64 Linux packages for several Python versions
are available on and can be used as is,
while for other configurations you should have C++ compiler and Boost
libraries in your system before running this command:
# Please upgrade your pip
python3 -m pip install -U pip
# Depending on your Python setup, you need or need not --user flag
python3 -m pip install --user freddi
is an optional requirement which must be
installed to use dimensional input via Freddi.from_astropy
runs from the command line with inline options and/or with a configuration file. Freddi
outputs file freddi.dat
with distribution of various physical values over
time. If --fulldata
is specified then files freddi_%d.dat
for each time step
are created in the same directory with snapshot radial distributions. These
data-files contain whitespace-separated data columns with header lines starting
with #
symbol. You can set another prefix instead of freddi
with --prefix
option and change the output directory with --dir
option. If you choose the
Docker way and would like to specify the directory, then avoid using --dir
option and just replace "`pwd`"
with some local path (for more details see
Docker documentation).
The full list of command line options is viewed with --help
option. Default
values are given in brackets.
./freddi --help
``` Freddi: numerical calculation of accretion disk evolution: General options: -h [ --help ] Produce help message --config arg Set additional configuration filepath --prefix arg (=freddi) Set prefix for output filenames. Output file with distribution of parameters over time is PREFIX.dat --stdout Output temporal distribution to stdout instead of PREFIX.dat file -d [ --dir ] arg (=.) Choose the directory to write output files. It should exist --precision arg (=12) Number of digits to print into output files --tempsparsity arg (=1) Output every k-th time moment --fulldata Output files PREFIX_%d.dat with radial structure for every time step. Default is to output only PREFIX.dat with global disk parameters for every time step Basic binary and disk parameter: -a [ --alpha ] arg Alpha parameter of Shakura-Sunyaev model --alphacold arg Alpha parameter of cold disk, currently it is used only for Sigma_minus, see --Qirr2Qvishot. Default is --alpha values divided by ten -M [ --Mx ] arg Mass of the central object, in the units of solar masses --kerr arg (=0) Dimensionless Kerr parameter of the black hole --Mopt arg Mass of the optical star, in units of solar masses --rochelobefill arg (=1) Dimensionless factor describing a size of the optical star. Polar radius of the star is rochelobefill * (polar radius of critical Roche lobe) --Topt arg (=0) Thermal temperature of the optical star, in units of kelvins -P [ --period ] arg Orbital period of the binary system, in units of days --rin arg Inner radius of the disk, in the units of the gravitational radius of the central object GM/c^2. If it isn't set then the radius of ISCO orbit is used defined by --Mx and --kerr values -R [ --rout ] arg Outer radius of the disk, in units of solar radius. If it isn't set then the tidal radius is used defined by --Mx, --Mopt and --period values --risco arg Innermost stable circular orbit, in units of gravitational radius of the central object GM/c^2. If it isn't set then the radius of ISCO orbit is used defined by --Mx and --kerr values Parameters of the disk mode: -O [ --opacity ] arg (=Kramers) Opacity law: Kramers (varkappa ~ rho / T^7/2) or OPAL (varkappa ~ rho / T^5/2) --Mdotout arg (=0) Accretion rate onto the disk through its outer radius --boundcond arg (=Teff) Outer boundary movement condition Values: Teff: outer radius of the disk moves inwards to keep photosphere temperature of the disk larger than some value. This value is specified by --Thot option Tirr: outer radius of the disk moves inwards to keep irradiation flux of the disk larger than some value. The value of this minimal irradiation flux is [Stefan-Boltzmann constant] * Tirr^4, where Tirr is specified by --Thot option --Thot arg (=0) Minimum photosphere or irradiation temperature at the outer edge of the hot disk, Kelvin. For details see --boundcond description --Qirr2Qvishot arg (=0) Minimum Qirr / Qvis ratio at the outer edge of the hot disk to switch evolution from temperature-based regime to Sigma_minus-based regime (see Eq. A.1 in Lasota et al. 2008, --alphacold value is used as alpha parameter) --initialcond arg (=powerF) Type of the initial condition for viscous torque F or surface density Sigma Values: [xi = (h - h_in) / (h_out - h_in)] powerF: F ~ xi^powerorder, powerorder is specified by --powerorder option linearF: F ~ xi, specific case of powerF but can be normalised by --Mdot0, see its description for details powerSigma: Sigma ~ xi^powerorder, powerorder is specified by --powerorder option sineF: F ~ sin( xi * pi/2 ) gaussF: F ~ exp(-(xi-mu)**2 / 2 sigma**2), mu and sigma are specified by --gaussmu and --gausssigma options quasistat: F ~ f(h/h_out) * xi * h_out/h, where f is quasi-stationary solution found in Lipunova & Shakura 2000. f(xi=0) = 0, df/dxi(xi=1) = 0 --F0 arg Initial maximum viscous torque in the disk, dyn*cm. Can be overwritten via --Mdisk0 and --Mdot0 --Mdisk0 arg Initial disk mass, g. If both --F0 and --Mdisk0 are specified then --Mdisk0 is used. If both --Mdot0 and --Mdisk0 are specified then --Mdot0 is used --Mdot0 arg Initial mass accretion rate through the inner radius, g/s. If --F0, --Mdisk0 and --Mdot0 are specified then --Mdot0 is used. Works only when --initialcond is set to linearF, sinusF or quasistat --powerorder arg Parameter for the powerlaw initial condition distribution. This option works only with --initialcond=powerF or powerSigma --gaussmu arg Position of the maximum for Gauss distribution, positive number not greater than unity. This option works only with --initialcond=gaussF --gausssigma arg Width of for Gauss distribution. This option works only with --initialcond=gaussF --windtype arg (=no) Type of the wind no: no wind SS73C: super-Eddington spherical wind from Shakura-Sunyaev 1973 ShieldsOscil1986: toy wind model from Shields et al. 1986 which was used to obtain oscillations in the disk luminosity. Requires --windC_w and --windR_w to be specified Janiuk2015: super-Eddington wind from Janiuk et al 2015. Requires --windA_0 and --windB_1 to be specified Shields1986: thermal wind from Begelman et al. 1983 and Shields et al. 1986. Requires --windXi_max, --windT_ic and --windPow to be specified Woods1996AGN: thermal AGN wind from Woods et al. 1996. Requires --windC_0 and --windT_ic to be specified Woods1996: thermal wind from Woods et al. 1996. Requires --windXi_max, --windT_ic and --windPow to be specified toy: a toy wind model used in arXiv:2105.11974, the mass loss rate is proportional to the central accretion rate. Requires --windC_w to be specified --windC_w arg The ratio of the mass loss rate due to wind to the central accretion rate, |Mwind|/Macc --windR_w arg The ratio of the wind launch radius to the outer disk radius, Rwind/Rout --windA_0 arg Dimensionless parameter characterizing the strength of the super-Eddington wind in the framework of the model Janiuk et al. 2015. Effective value range from 10 to 25 --windB_1 arg The quantity is of the order of unity. Characterizes the relationship between the change in energy per particle and virial energy. E = B_1 * k * T --windXi_max arg Ionization parameter, the ratio of the radiation and gas pressures --windT_ic arg Inverse Compton temperature, K. Characterizes the hardness of the irradiating spectrum --windPow arg Multiplicative coefficient to control wind power --windC_0 arg Characteristic column density of the wind mass loss rate from Woods et al. 1996 model, g/(s*cm^2). For AGN approx value is 3e-13 g/(s*cm^2) Parameters of self-irradiation. Qirr = Cirr * (H/r / 0.05)^irrindex * L * psi / (4 pi R^2), where psi is angular distrbution of X-ray radiation: --Cirr arg (=0) Irradiation factor for the hot disk --irrindex arg (=0) Irradiation index for the hot disk --Cirrcold arg (=0) Irradiation factor for the cold disk --irrindexcold arg (=0) Irradiation index for the cold disk --h2rcold arg (=0) Seme-height to radius ratio for the cold disk, it affects disk shadow in star --angulardistdisk arg (=plane) Angular distribution of the disk X-ray radiation. Values: isotropic, plane Parameters of flux calculation: --colourfactor arg (=1.7) Colour factor to calculate X-ray flux --emin arg (=1) Minimum energy of X-ray band, keV --emax arg (=12) Maximum energy of X-ray band, keV --staralbedo arg (=0) Part of X-ray radiation reflected by optical star, (1 - albedo) heats star's photosphere. Used only when --starflux is specified -i [ --inclination ] arg (=0) Inclination of the system, degrees --ephemerist0 arg (=0) Ephemeris for the time of the minimum of the orbital light curve T0, phase zero corresponds to inferior conjunction of the optical star, days --distance arg Distance to the system, kpc --colddiskflux Add Fnu for cold disk into output file. Default output is for hot disk only --starflux Add Fnu for irradiated optical star into output file. See --Topt, --starlod and --h2rcold options. Default is output for the hot disk only --lambda arg Wavelength to calculate Fnu, Angstrom. You can use this option multiple times. For each lambda one additional column with values of spectral flux density Fnu [erg/s/cm^2/Hz] is produced --passband arg Path of a file containing tabulated passband, the first column for wavelength in Angstrom, the second column for transmission factor, columns should be separated by spaces Parameters of disk evolution calculation: --inittime arg (=0) Initial time moment, days -T [ --time ] arg Time interval to calculate evolution, days --tau arg Time step, days --Nx arg (=1000) Size of calculation grid --gridscale arg (=log) Type of grid for angular momentum h: log or linear --starlod arg (=3) Level of detail of the optical star 3-D model. The optical star is represented by a triangular tile, the number of tiles is 20 * 4^starlod ```./freddi-ns --help
``` Freddi NS: numerical calculation of accretion disk evolution: General options: -h [ --help ] Produce help message --config arg Set additional configuration filepath --prefix arg (=freddi) Set prefix for output filenames. Output file with distribution of parameters over time is PREFIX.dat --stdout Output temporal distribution to stdout instead of PREFIX.dat file -d [ --dir ] arg (=.) Choose the directory to write output files. It should exist --precision arg (=12) Number of digits to print into output files --tempsparsity arg (=1) Output every k-th time moment --fulldata Output files PREFIX_%d.dat with radial structure for every time step. Default is to output only PREFIX.dat with global disk parameters for every time step Basic binary and disk parameter: -a [ --alpha ] arg Alpha parameter of Shakura-Sunyaev model --alphacold arg Alpha parameter of cold disk, currently it is used only for Sigma_minus, see --Qirr2Qvishot. Default is --alpha values divided by ten -M [ --Mx ] arg Mass of the central object, in the units of solar masses --kerr arg (=0) Dimensionless Kerr parameter of the black hole --Mopt arg Mass of the optical star, in units of solar masses --rochelobefill arg (=1) Dimensionless factor describing a size of the optical star. Polar radius of the star is rochelobefill * (polar radius of critical Roche lobe) --Topt arg (=0) Thermal temperature of the optical star, in units of kelvins -P [ --period ] arg Orbital period of the binary system, in units of days --rin arg Inner radius of the disk, in the units of the gravitational radius of the central object GM/c^2. If it isn't set then the radius of ISCO orbit is used defined by --Mx and --kerr values -R [ --rout ] arg Outer radius of the disk, in units of solar radius. If it isn't set then the tidal radius is used defined by --Mx, --Mopt and --period values --risco arg Innermost stable circular orbit, in units of gravitational radius of the central object GM/c^2. If it isn't set then the radius of ISCO orbit is used defined by --Mx and --kerr values Parameters of the disk mode: -O [ --opacity ] arg (=Kramers) Opacity law: Kramers (varkappa ~ rho / T^7/2) or OPAL (varkappa ~ rho / T^5/2) --Mdotout arg (=0) Accretion rate onto the disk through its outer radius --boundcond arg (=Teff) Outer boundary movement condition Values: Teff: outer radius of the disk moves inwards to keep photosphere temperature of the disk larger than some value. This value is specified by --Thot option Tirr: outer radius of the disk moves inwards to keep irradiation flux of the disk larger than some value. The value of this minimal irradiation flux is [Stefan-Boltzmann constant] * Tirr^4, where Tirr is specified by --Thot option --Thot arg (=0) Minimum photosphere or irradiation temperature at the outer edge of the hot disk, Kelvin. For details see --boundcond description --Qirr2Qvishot arg (=0) Minimum Qirr / Qvis ratio at the outer edge of the hot disk to switch evolution from temperature-based regime to Sigma_minus-based regime (see Eq. A.1 in Lasota et al. 2008, --alphacold value is used as alpha parameter) --initialcond arg (=powerF) Type of the initial condition for viscous torque F or surface density Sigma Values: [xi = (h - h_in) / (h_out - h_in)] powerF: F ~ xi^powerorder, powerorder is specified by --powerorder option linearF: F ~ xi, specific case of powerF but can be normalised by --Mdot0, see its description for details powerSigma: Sigma ~ xi^powerorder, powerorder is specified by --powerorder option sineF: F ~ sin( xi * pi/2 ) gaussF: F ~ exp(-(xi-mu)**2 / 2 sigma**2), mu and sigma are specified by --gaussmu and --gausssigma options quasistat: F ~ f(h/h_out) * xi * h_out/h, where f is quasi-stationary solution found in Lipunova & Shakura 2000. f(xi=0) = 0, df/dxi(xi=1) = 0 quasistat-ns: ??? --F0 arg Initial maximum viscous torque in the disk, dyn*cm. Can be overwritten via --Mdisk0 and --Mdot0 --Mdisk0 arg Initial disk mass, g. If both --F0 and --Mdisk0 are specified then --Mdisk0 is used. If both --Mdot0 and --Mdisk0 are specified then --Mdot0 is used --Mdot0 arg Initial mass accretion rate through the inner radius, g/s. If --F0, --Mdisk0 and --Mdot0 are specified then --Mdot0 is used. Works only when --initialcond is set to linearF, sinusF or quasistat --powerorder arg Parameter for the powerlaw initial condition distribution. This option works only with --initialcond=powerF or powerSigma --gaussmu arg Position of the maximum for Gauss distribution, positive number not greater than unity. This option works only with --initialcond=gaussF --gausssigma arg Width of for Gauss distribution. This option works only with --initialcond=gaussF --windtype arg (=no) Type of the wind no: no wind SS73C: super-Eddington spherical wind from Shakura-Sunyaev 1973 ShieldsOscil1986: toy wind model from Shields et al. 1986 which was used to obtain oscillations in the disk luminosity. Requires --windC_w and --windR_w to be specified Janiuk2015: super-Eddington wind from Janiuk et al 2015. Requires --windA_0 and --windB_1 to be specified Shields1986: thermal wind from Begelman et al. 1983 and Shields et al. 1986. Requires --windXi_max, --windT_ic and --windPow to be specified Woods1996AGN: thermal AGN wind from Woods et al. 1996. Requires --windC_0 and --windT_ic to be specified Woods1996: thermal wind from Woods et al. 1996. Requires --windXi_max, --windT_ic and --windPow to be specified toy: a toy wind model used in arXiv:2105.11974, the mass loss rate is proportional to the central accretion rate. Requires --windC_w to be specified --windC_w arg The ratio of the mass loss rate due to wind to the central accretion rate, |Mwind|/Macc --windR_w arg The ratio of the wind launch radius to the outer disk radius, Rwind/Rout --windA_0 arg Dimensionless parameter characterizing the strength of the super-Eddington wind in the framework of the model Janiuk et al. 2015. Effective value range from 10 to 25 --windB_1 arg The quantity is of the order of unity. Characterizes the relationship between the change in energy per particle and virial energy. E = B_1 * k * T --windXi_max arg Ionization parameter, the ratio of the radiation and gas pressures --windT_ic arg Inverse Compton temperature, K. Characterizes the hardness of the irradiating spectrum --windPow arg Multiplicative coefficient to control wind power --windC_0 arg Characteristic column density of the wind mass loss rate from Woods et al. 1996 model, g/(s*cm^2). For AGN approx value is 3e-13 g/(s*cm^2) Parameters of accreting neutron star: --nsprop arg (=dummy) Neutron star geometry and radiation properties name and specifies default values of --Rx, --Risco and --freqx Values: dummy: NS radiation efficiency is R_g * (1 / R_x - 1 / 2R_in), default --freqx is 0, default Rx is 1e6, default Risco is Kerr value newt: NS radiation efficiency is a functions of NS frequency, that's why --freqx must be specified explicitly sibgatullin-sunyaev2000: NS radiation efficiency, and default values of Rx and Risco are functions of NS frequency, that's why --freqx must be specified explicitly --freqx arg Accretor rotation frequency, Hz. This parameter is not linked to --kerr, agree them yourself --Rx arg Accretor radius, cm --Bx arg Accretor polar magnetic induction, G --hotspotarea arg (=1) ??? Relative area of hot spot on the accretor --epsilonAlfven arg (=1) Factor in Alfven radius formula --inversebeta arg (=0) ??? --Rdead arg (=0) Maximum inner radius of the disk that can be obtained, it characterises minimum torque in the dead disk, cm --fptype arg (=no-outflow) ??? Accretor Mdot fraction mode fp. Values: no-outflow: all the matter passing inner disk radius falling onto neutron star, fp = 1 propeller: all the matter flows away from both disk and neutron star, fp = 0 corotation-block: like 'no-otflow' when Alfven radius is smaller than corotation radius, like 'propeller' otherwise geometrical: generalisation of 'corotation-block' for the case of not co-directional of disk rotation axis and neutron star magnetic field axis. Requires --fp-geometrical-chi to be specified eksi-kutlu2010: ??? romanova2018: ???, requires --romanova2018-par1 and --romanova2018-par2 to be specified --fp-geometrical-chi arg angle between disk rotation axis and neutron star magnetic axis for --fptype=geometrical, degrees --romanova2018-par1 arg ??? par1 value for --fptype=romanova201 8 and --kappattype=romanova2018 --romanova2018-par2 arg ??? par2 value for --fptype=romanova201 8 and --kappattype=romanova2018 --kappattype arg (=const) kappa_t describes how strong is interaction between neutron star magnitosphere and disk, magnetic torque is kappa_t(R) * mu^2 / R^3. This parameter describes type of radial destribution of this parameter Values: const: doesn't depend on radius, kappa_t = value. Requires --kappat-const-value to be specified corstep: kappa_t is 'in' inside corotation radius, and 'out' outside. Requires --kappat-corstep-in and --kappat-corstep-out to be specified romanova2018: similar to corstep option, but the outside value is reduced by the portion taken away by wind (see Table 2 of Romanova+2018,NewA,62,94). Requires --kappat-romanova2018-in, --kappat-romanova2018-out --romanova2018-par1 and --romanova-par2 to be specified --kappat-const-value arg (=0.33333333333333331) kappa_t value for --kappattype=const --kappat-corstep-in arg (=0.33333333333333331) kappa_t value inside corotation radius for --kappattype=corstep --kappat-corstep-out arg (=0.33333333333333331) kappa_t value outside corotation radius for --kappattype=corstep --kappat-romanova2018-in arg (=0.33333333333333331) kappa_t value inside corotation radius for --kappattype=romanova2018 --kappat-romanova2018-out arg (=0.33333333333333331) kappa_t value outside corotation radius for --kappattype=romanova2018 --nsgravredshift arg (=off) Neutron star gravitational redshift type. Values: off: gravitational redshift doesn't taken into account on: redshift is (1 - R_sch / Rx), where R_sch = 2GM/c^2 Parameters of self-irradiation. Qirr = Cirr * (H/r / 0.05)^irrindex * L * psi / (4 pi R^2), where psi is angular distrbution of X-ray radiation: --Cirr arg (=0) Irradiation factor for the hot disk --irrindex arg (=0) Irradiation index for the hot disk --Cirrcold arg (=0) Irradiation factor for the cold disk --irrindexcold arg (=0) Irradiation index for the cold disk --h2rcold arg (=0) Seme-height to radius ratio for the cold disk, it affects disk shadow in star --angulardistdisk arg (=plane) Angular distribution of the disk X-ray radiation. Values: isotropic, plane --angulardistns arg (=isotropic) Angular distribution type of the neutron star X-ray radiation. Values: isotropic, plane Parameters of flux calculation: --colourfactor arg (=1.7) Colour factor to calculate X-ray flux --emin arg (=1) Minimum energy of X-ray band, keV --emax arg (=12) Maximum energy of X-ray band, keV --staralbedo arg (=0) Part of X-ray radiation reflected by optical star, (1 - albedo) heats star's photosphere. Used only when --starflux is specified -i [ --inclination ] arg (=0) Inclination of the system, degrees --ephemerist0 arg (=0) Ephemeris for the time of the minimum of the orbital light curve T0, phase zero corresponds to inferior conjunction of the optical star, days --distance arg Distance to the system, kpc --colddiskflux Add Fnu for cold disk into output file. Default output is for hot disk only --starflux Add Fnu for irradiated optical star into output file. See --Topt, --starlod and --h2rcold options. Default is output for the hot disk only --lambda arg Wavelength to calculate Fnu, Angstrom. You can use this option multiple times. For each lambda one additional column with values of spectral flux density Fnu [erg/s/cm^2/Hz] is produced --passband arg Path of a file containing tabulated passband, the first column for wavelength in Angstrom, the second column for transmission factor, columns should be separated by spaces Parameters of disk evolution calculation: --inittime arg (=0) Initial time moment, days -T [ --time ] arg Time interval to calculate evolution, days --tau arg Time step, days --Nx arg (=1000) Size of calculation grid --gridscale arg (=log) Type of grid for angular momentum h: log or linear --starlod arg (=3) Level of detail of the optical star 3-D model. The optical star is represented by a triangular tile, the number of tiles is 20 * 4^starlod ```Write which options are mandatory
Also you can use freddi.ini
configuration file to store options. This INI
file contains lines option=value
option names are the as provided by the help message above. Command line option
overwrites configuration file option. For example, see
default freddi.ini
Paths where this file is searched are ./freddi.ini
(execution path),
, /usr/local/etc/freddi.ini
. You can provide configuration file to Docker container as a
volume: -v "`pwd`/freddi.ini":/etc/freddi.ini
Output values
outputs time; the accretion rate; the mass of the hot part of the disk;
the outer radius of the hot zone; the irradiation factor; the relative
half-height, effective and irradiation temperature, ratio of the irradiation to
viscous flux at the outer radius of the hot zone; X-ray luminosity (erg/s) in
the band from E_min to E_max (--emin
and --emax
options); the optical
magnitudes in U, B, V, R, I, and J band (Allen’s Astrophysical
Quantities, Cox 2015); the spectral density flux (erg/s/cm^2/Hz) at some wavelengths set by one or more --lambda
Snapshot distributions at each time step, if produced, contain the following data: radial coordinate in terms of the specific angular momentum, radius, viscous torque, surface density, effective temperature Teff, viscous temperature Tvis, irradiation temperature Tirr, and the absolute half-height of the disk.
The following arguments instruct Freddi
to calculate the decay of the outburst
in the disk with the constant outer radius equal to 1 solar radius. The Kerr
black hole at the distance of 5 kpc has the mass of 9 solar masses, and the
Kerr’s parameter is 0.4. The outer disk is irradiated with Cirr=1e-3.
Discuss all options used in the example*
./freddi --alpha=0.5 --Mx=9 --rout=1 --period=0.5 --Mopt=0.5 --time=50 \
--tau=0.25 --dir=data/ --F0=2e+37 --colourfactor=1.7 --Nx=1000 \
--distance=5 --gridscale=log --kerr=0.4 --Cirr=0.001 --opacity=OPAL \
--initialcond=quasistat --windtype=Woods1996 --windXi_max=10 --windT_ic=1e8 \
Python bindings can be used as a convenient way to run and analyse Freddi simulations.
You can prepare simulation set-up initializing Freddi
(for black hole accretion disk) or FreddiNeutronStar
(for NS) class instance.
These classes accept keyword-only arguments which have the same names and
meanings as command line options, but with three
major exceptions:
- Python package doesn’t provide any file output functionality, that’s why output arguments like
are missed; - all values are assumed to be in CGS units, but you can use
for dimensional values (see details bellow); - parameters of wind, NS
and NSkappa
models are passed as dictionaries (see specification bellow).
The following code snippet would set-up roughly the same simulation as the command-line example
from freddi import Freddi
freddi = Freddi(
alpha=0.5, Mx=9*2e33, rout=1*7e10, period=0.5*86400, Mopt=0.5*2e33,
time=50*86400, tau=0.25*86400, F0=2e+37, colourfactor=1.7, Nx=1000,
distance=5*3e21, gridscale='log', kerr=0.4, Cirr=0.001, opacity='OPAL',
initialcond='quasistat', wind='Woods1996',
windparams=dict(Xi_max=10, T_iC=1e8, W_pow=1),
Alternatively we can do the same using from_astropy
class-method which casts
all astropy.units.Quantity
objects to CGS values. Note that dimensionality isn’t checked, and technically
it just does arg.cgs.value
for every Quantity
import astropy.units as u
from freddi import Freddi
freddi = Freddi.from_astropy(
alpha=0.5, Mx=9*u.Msun, rout=1*u.Rsun, period=0.5*, Mopt=0.5*u.Msun,
time=50*, tau=0.25*, F0=2e+37, colourfactor=1.7, Nx=1000,
distance=5*u.kpc, gridscale='log', kerr=0.4, Cirr=0.001, opacity='OPAL',
initialcond='quasistat', wind='Woods1996',
windparams=dict(Xi_max=10, T_iC=1e8*u.K, W_pow=1),
Wind model parameters are specified by windparams
argument which should be
a dict
instance with string keys and numeric values. Command option to
keys relation is: --windC_w -> C_w
, --windR_w -> R_w
--windA_0 -> A_0
, --windB_1 -> B_1
, --windXi_max -> Xi_max
windT_ic -> T_ic
, --windPow -> Pow
, windC_0 -> C_0
Neutron star f_p model parameters are specified by fpparams
mapping with the
same structure as windparams
. Command options to fpparams
keys relation is:
--fp-geometrical-chi -> chi
, romanova2018-par1 -> par1
romanova2018-par2 -> par2
Neutron star kappa_t model parameters are specified by kappatparams
with the same structure as windparams
. Command options to the mapping keys
relation is: --kappat-const-value -> value
, --kappat-corstep-in -> in
kappat-corstep-out -> out
, --kappat-romanova2018-in -> in
--kappat-romanova2018-out -> out
, romanova2018-par1 -> par1
--romanova2018-par2 -> par2
There are two ways to run a simulation: iterating over time steps, and run the
whole simulation in one shot. Note that in both cases your Freddi
object is
mutating and represents the current state of the accretion disk.
Here we use iterator interface which yields another Freddi
object for each
time moment.
import astropy.units as u
from freddi import Freddi
freddi = Freddi.from_astropy(
alpha=0.5, Mx=9*u.Msun, rout=1*u.Rsun, period=0.5*, Mopt=0.5*u.Msun,
time=20*, tau=1.0*, Mdot0=5e18, distance=10*u.kpc,
for state in freddi:
print(f't = {state.t} s, Mdot = {state.Mdot:g} g/s')
assert state.t == freddi.t
In this example we run a simulation via .evolve()
method which returns
object keeping all evolution states internally and providing
temporal distribution of disk’s properties.
import astropy.units as u
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from freddi import Freddi
freddi = Freddi.from_astropy(
alpha=0.5, Mx=9*u.Msun, rout=1*u.Rsun, period=0.5*, Mopt=0.5*u.Msun,
time=20*, tau=1.0*, Mdot0=5e18, distance=10*u.kpc,
result = freddi.evolve()
assert result.t[-1] == freddi.t
# Plot Mdot(t)
plt.title('Freddi disk evolution: accretion rate')
plt.xlabel('t, day')
plt.ylabel(r'$\dot{M}$, g/cm')
plt.plot(result.t / 86400, result.Mdot)
# Plot all F(h) profiles
plt.title('Freddi disk evolution: viscous torque')
plt.xlabel('r, cm')
plt.ylabel('F, dyn cm')
plt.plot(result.R.T, result.F.T)
# Plot evolution of effective temperature of the outer hot disk ring
plt.title('Freddi disk evolution: outer effective temperature')
plt.xlabel('t, day')
plt.ylabel('T, K')
plt.plot(result.t / 86400, result.last_Tph)
Properties and methods
, FreddiNeutronStar
and EvolutionResult
objects contain dozens of
properties returning various physical values like t
for time moment,
for accretion rate onto central object, R
for radius, F
for torque,
for effective temperature and so on. first_*
and last_*
are used to access innermost and outermost values of radial-distributed
quantities. The complete list of properties can be obtained by dir(Freddi)
. Note that the most properties are lazy-evaluated and
require some time to access first time. EvolutionRadius
provides all the
same properties as underlying Freddi
or FreddiNeutronStar
objects but with
additional array dimension for temporal distribution, so if Freddi.Lx
is a
scalar then EvolutionResult.Lx
is 1-D numpy
array of (Nt,)
if Freddi.Sigma
is 1-D array of (Nx,)
shape, then
is 2-D array of (Nt, Nx)
shape. Also, note that if
disk shrinks during a simulation, the missing values of EvolutionResult
properties are filled by NaN.
All three classes have flux(lmbd, region='hot', phase=None)
method which can
be used to find spectral flux density per unit frequency for optical
emission. lmbd
argument can be a scalar or a multidimensional numpy
of required wavelengths in cm; region
could be one of “hot” (hot disk),
“cold” (cold disk), “disk” (“hot” + “cold”), “star” (companion star), and
“all” (“hot” + “cold” + “star”); phase
is a binary system orbital phase in
radians, it is required for region="star"
and region="all"
only, it can be
calculated as 2π t / period + constant
All properties and methods return values in CGS units.
Physical Background
— Fast Rise Exponential Decay: accretion Disk model Implementation — is
designed to solve the differential equation of the viscous evolution of the
Shakura-Sunyaev accretion disk in a stellar binary system. Shakura-Sunyaev disk
is the standard model of accretion of plasma onto the cosmic bodies, like
neutron stars or black holes. Viscous evolution of the accretion disks exibits
itself, for example, in X-ray outbursts of binary stars. Usually, the outbursts
last for several tens of days and many of them are observed by orbital
The basic equation of the viscous evolution relates the surface density and viscous stresses and is of diffusion type. Evolution of the accretion rate can be found on solving the equation. The distribution of viscous stresss defines the emission from the source.
The standard model for the accretion disk is implied, which is developed by Shakura & Sunyaev (1973). The inner boundary of the disk is at the ISCO or can be explicitely set. The boundary conditions in the disk are the zero stress at the inner boundary and the zero accretion rate at the outer boundary. The conditions are suitable during the outbursts in X-ray binary transients with black holes.
In a binary system, the accretion disk is radially confined. In Freddi
, the
outer radius of the disk can be set explicitely or calculated as the position of
the tidal truncation radius following Paczynski
(1997) for small mass ratios
of the black using the approximation by Suleimanov et al. (2008).
The parameters at the disk central plane are defined by the analytic approximations (Suleimanov et al. 2007), valid for the effective surface temperatures from 10 000 to 100 000 K, approximately. It is assumed that the gas pressure dominates, the gas is completely ionized, and the photon opacity is defined by the free-free and free-bound transitions. Opacity law is for the solar element abundancies and can be chosen from two types: (1) Kramers’ opacity: kappa = 5e24 rho/T\^(7/2) cm2/g (2) approximation to OPAL tables: kappa = 1.5e20 rho/T\^(5/2) cm2/g (Bell & Lin 1994)
The disk at each radius is in the “hot” state if the gas is completely ionized.
Otherwise, the disk is considered to be “cold” locally. Alpha-parameter in the
cold parts of the disk is appreciably lower than in the hot parts. Thus the
viscous evolution of the disk should proceed more effectively in the hot parts
of the disk. To simulate this, Freddi
has an option to control the outer
radius of the hot evolving disk. We assume that the evolution goes through the
quasi-stationary states in the hot zone of variable size. By default, the hot
zone has the constant size, equal to the tidal radius.
The initial distribution of the matter in the disk should be specified with
option. Freddi
can start from several types of initial
distributions: power-law distribution of the surface density
, power-law --initialcond=powerF
or sinus-law
distribution of the viscous torque, quasi-stationary
distribution --initialcond=quasistat
. The choice of the initial distribution
defines what type of evolution is to be calculated.
Starting from the quasi-stationary or sinusF
distribution, the solution
describes the decaying part of the outburst. Zero-time accretion rate through
the inner edge can be set. In other cases, the rise to the peak is also
computed. Then, initial value of viscous torque at the outer radius (can be set
by --F0
) defines uniquely the initial mass of the disk.
Self-irradiation by the central X-rays heats the outer parts of the disk. A
fraction of the bolometric flux is supposed to illuminate the disk surface. This
results in the larger size of the hot disk if such model is assumed. Also, the
optical flux is increased because the flux outgoing from the disk surface is
proportional to Teff\^4 = Tvis\^4+Tirr\^4. Self-irradiation of the disk is
included in the computation if irradiation parameter is not zero. The simplest
way is to set a constant irradiation factor --Cirr
(the studies of X-ray novae
suggest the range for Cirr 1e-5—5e-3).
Observed flux depends on the distance to the source and the inclination of the disk plane. The inclination angle is the angle between the line of sight and the normal to the disk. The flux, emitted from the disk surface, is defined by the sum of the visous and irradiating flux, where the viscous flux is calculated taking into account general relativity effects near the black hole, following Page & Thorne (1974) and Riffert & Herold (1995).
Accretion disk wind
Presumably, during an outburst there is an outflow in the form of a wind from the accretion disk around the compact object. The presence of such a wind in the LMXBs is supported by modern observations indicating the expansion of ionized matter. Such an outflow of matter, being an additional source of angular momentum transfer in the disk, can strongly influence its viscous evolution.
However, the nature of such winds and their physical characteristics are an open question. Namely, there are three mechanisms which are considered: heating of matter by central radiation in optically thin regions of the disk (Begelman et al. 1983, Shields et al. 1986, Woods et al. 1996), the pressure of the magnetic field of the disk (Blandford & Payne 1982, Habibi & Abbassi 2019, Nixon & Pringle 2019) and the pressure of local radiation at super-Eddington accretion rates (Shakura & Sunyaev 1973, Proga & Kallman 2002).
is modernized in such a way that it is able to solve the viscous evolution
equation with an inhomogeneous term that is responsible for the presence of the disk wind.
This term is the dependence of the surface density of the wind mass-loss rate on
the distance along the disk’s surface. Different forms of such dependence correspond
to different wind models, and to different classes within Freddi
One can choose a wind model by setting the
option. The thermal wind model (Woods et al. 1996),
which implies that the outflow of matter occurs due to the heating of the outer parts of the disk
by a central radiation source, can be chosen by setting --windtype=Woods1996
The option --windtype=Janiuk15
corresponds to the model from work Janiuk et al. (2015)
where the wind is started in the super-Eddington regime.
When choosing option --windtype=Janiuk15
, the you must also specify the values of
the super-Eddington wind parameters with --windA0
and --windB1
You can also select the --windtype=toy
option, which corresponds to a toy wind model when the user sets
the wind strength relatively to the accretion rate using the option --windPow
Compton-heated wind
At the moment, Freddi
is more focused on simulating outbursts taking into account the thermal wind (--windtype=Woods1996
For a better understanding, let’s discuss a little the physics of the process of launching such a wind
and its parameters in the code.
In the standard accretion disk model by Shakura & Sunyaev (1973)
the disk is concave, and, as a result, the disk surface is exposed to the central radiation,
which heats the disk material. As a result, the heated matter, starting from a certain radius,
begins to leave the accretion disk. This process of heating the matter of the accretion disk by means of Compoton
processes was developed in Begelman et al. (1983) and
Shields et al. (1986).
In a later work Woods et al. (1996),
two-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic calculations were performed and the
results of Shields et al. (1986) were generalized.
Woods et al. (1996) give an expression for the surface density of the mass
loss rate as a function of distance along the disk’s surface. This function is used in Freddi
to taking thermal wind into account.
Choosing option --windtype=Woods1996
, it is necessary to set the value of the ionization parameter Xi
(which is proportional to the ratio of the radiation and gas pressures) by the option --windXi_max
and the Compoton temperature T_ic
(which determines the hardness of the irradiating spectrum and the size of the region where the wind operates) by the option --windT_ic
Companion star irradiation
We use a simple model of irradiated star to simulate periodic variability and
X-ray thermalization by a companion’s photosphere. Our model assumes that the
companion star’s shape corresponds to equipotential surface which size is set
by --rochelobefill
option, unity means that star fills its Roche lobe, any
smaller value decreases star’s polar radius correspondingly. Technically,
star’s surface is built from 20 * 4^starlod
triangles, use --starlod
set level of detail, --starlod=3
should give few percent precision. Every
triangle has black-body spectrum with bolometric luminosity given by a sum of
star’s own luminosity (set by --Topt
) and irradiation flux multiplied by
unity minus albedo (set by --staralbedo
Please note that the model is limited and doesn’t implement limb darking or eclipsing.
Development guide
Source code and tests
uses Cmake as a build system.
The C++ source code is located in cpp
folder which has following structure:
function forfreddi
for library header files, it hasns
sub-folder for neutron star related stuff;src
for library C++ files, it also hasns
provides library unit tests;pywrap
has both header and source files forBoost::Python
Note, that we require C++17 standard (while not having idiomatic C++17 code),
and require code to be compiled by modern GCC and CLang on Linux. Please write
unit tests where you can and use ctest
to check they pass.
The Python project is specified by pyproject.toml
(which just lists build
files, we use
as a build system.
uses Python-related section of CMakeLists.txt
to build C++
source code into Python extension, and accomplish it with Python files located
in python/freddi
directory. Use python build_ext
to build the
extension, optionally with -DSTATIC_LINKING=TRUE
to link Boost::Filesystem
and Boost::NumPy
statically. Please, pay attention to two
last libraries, because they should be built against the same Python version as
you use.
contains some tests, you can run them by python3 test
contain unit tests for Python source;
contains integration tests to compare analytical solutions of the equation of disk viscous evolution with the numerical solutions ofFreddi
contains regression tests to be sure that 1) theFreddi
output is stable, and 2) the Python code gives the same results as binary executables do.
The regression test data are located in python/test/data
. Sometimes you need
to update these regression data, for example when you introduce new
command-line option with a default value, add new output column or fix some bug
in physical model. For these purposes you can use
script located in this folder.
is used to build a Docker image with statically-linked binaries,
and Dockerfile.python
is used to build a Docker image with
-compatible Python wheels.
Continuous integration
We use Github Actions as a
continuous integration (CI) system. The workflow file is located in
and a couple of auxiliary files are located in
folder. CI allows us to test new commits to prevent different bugs:
actions test binaries building, execute sampleFreddi
programs, run C++ unit tests, perform C++ regression tests, and check the consistency of
with programs’--help
action builds Python extension module and runs all Python testsdocker-exe
builds a Docker image usingDockerfile
and execute sampleFreddi
programs inside a Docker containerdocker-python
builds a Docker image usingDockefile.python
, uses wheels it has built to build Python Docker images for several Python versions
, and runs sample Python scripts withfreddi.Freddi
This Readme
Please keep Readme updated. You can update the help messages in the
Usage section using .ci/
Release new version
- Create
tag - Build new
image usingDockerfile
- Build new
image usingDockerfile.python
- Run
docker run --rm -ti docker-python:VERSION sh -c "python3.7 -m twine upload /dist/*"
to upload source code distribution and x86-64 Python wheels onto - [Optional] Build executables for GitHub release
- [Optional] Build and upload macOS wheels
- [Optional] Build and upload Linux AArch64 wheels
- Crate new GitHub release
Questions and comments
If you have any problems, questions, or comments, please address them to Issues or to hombit\
Copyright (c) 2016–2021, Konstantin L. Malanchev, Galina V. Lipunova & Artur L. Avakyan.
is distributed under the terms of the
Please, accompany any results obtained using this code with reference to Lipunova & Malanchev (2017) 2017MNRAS.468.4735L, and for the case of windy calculations please also refer Avakyan et al. (2021) 2021arXiv210511974A.
author = { {Lipunova}, G.~V. and {Malanchev}, K.~L.},
title = "{Determination of the turbulent parameter in accretion discs: effects of self-irradiation in 4U 1543{\minus}47 during the 2002 outburst}",
journal = {\mnras},
archivePrefix = "arXiv",
eprint = {1610.01399},
primaryClass = "astro-ph.HE",
keywords = {accretion, accretion discs, methods: numerical, binaries: close, stars: black holes, X-rays: individual: 4U 1543-47},
year = 2017,
month = jul,
volume = 468,
pages = {4735-4747},
doi = {10.1093/mnras/stx768},
adsurl = {},
adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System}
author = { {Avakyan}, A.~L. and {Lipunova}, G.~V. and {Malanchev}, K.~L. and {Shakura}, N.~I.},
title = "{Change in the orbital period of a binary system due to an outburst in a windy accretion disc}",
journal = {arXiv e-prints},
keywords = {Astrophysics - High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena},
year = 2021,
month = may,
eid = {arXiv:2105.11974},
pages = {arXiv:2105.11974},
archivePrefix = {arXiv},
eprint = {2105.11974},
primaryClass = {astro-ph.HE},
adsurl = {},
adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System}